member magazine
Healthcare Manager
Each quarter, MiP produces a magazine on healthcare management for members.
Members magazine
MiP produces our own quarterly member magazine Healthcare Manager. It keeps you up to date with MiP’s activities, and brings you in-depth coverage of management, workplace and policy issues, helping you to get the most out of your MiP membership.

Our compact and easy-to-read magazine is only 24 pages long, but every issue comes packed with:
- News: keep up to date on MiP’s activities and key developments affecting your job
- Exclusive interviews: working managers and healthcare leaders talk about their jobs and the realities of managing in today’s NHS
- Features: an in-depth look at key workplace issues and the latest developments in healthcare policy
- Analysis and opinion: healthcare leaders and specialist journalists give you their take on the burning issues in NHS management
- Tipster: get concise, practical advice on developing your career and tackling workplace problems
- Leading Edge: straight-talking opinion from MiP chief executive Jon Restell
- Legal Eye: our legal advisers brief you on the key legal issues that health and care managers need to know about
- Meet your reps: MiP’s workplace reps talk about careers, supporting MiP members and what’s going on in their workplaces.
healthcare manager
Download the latest issue
Download the latest issue of our members’ magazine, Healthcare Manager, featuring special reports on the professional regulation of NHS managers, innovation in the NHS and the future of the CQC, and packed with news, information and advice for working managers.
Get in touch
Healthcare Manager is delivered free to all MiP members and a digital edition is available from this page. Most stories from the magazine are also published on the MiP website.
If you have a story for us to cover, or just want to know more about Healthcare Manager, contact the editor, Craig Ryan.
Got a story?
Have a story you’d like us to cover or want to know more about Healthcare Manager? Contact the editor:
Craig Ryan
07971 835296
healthcare manager
Download past issues of Healthcare Manager

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Download the Winter 2024-25 issue of Healthcare Manager, packed with details on how the latest NHS reforms will affect managers and featuring an exclusive interview with Suffolk and North East Essex ICB chief executive Ed Garratt.
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Download the autumn 2024 issue of Healthcare Manager featuring an interview with Royal Berkshire Chief Executive Steve McManus and packed with content from our Managing Our NHS campaign where four NHS managers tell us what they are doing to make the NHS better for patients and for staff.
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Download the summer 2024 issue of Healthcare Manager, our General Election 2024 special with MiP’s manifesto for the incoming government, analysis on how the NHS will fare post election and featuring an interview with comedian, doctor and campaigner Dr Phil Hammond.
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Download the spring 2024 issue of Healthcare Manager featuring an interview with NHS Scotland Chief Executive Caroline Lamb and and features on AI in healthcare management, blame culture and executive level pay.
Join MiP today
Stand alongside thousands of NHS and healthcare managers making health services work and making them work better.