what we do
Collective representation
A union is only as strong as its collective membership. Stand with thousands of your peers in the NHS and healthcare management.
We take a collective approach to negotiations with employers and government on issues such as pay, pensions and organisational change – making sure managers always have a voice on issues that impact all staff.
Working alongside other trade unions, MiP negotiates with employers and government bodies to:
- protect and improve your pay and conditions
- promote staff wellbeing and healthy workplaces
- advance equality at work and tackle discrimination
- raise professional standards and improve patient care
- protect and promote the values of the NHS
As a pragmatic and values-based trade union, we always negotiate with a view to reaching agreement, aiming to get the best possible deal for you, while safeguarding the public interest and the values of the NHS. While robustly defending your interests, we try to avoid unnecessary conflict in the workplace and to reach agreement through cooperation and partnership working wherever possible.
Negotiating with employers
For most MiP members, pay and core terms and conditions are negotiated nationally with government health departments or arm’s-length bodies like NHS Employers and NHS Pensions. But negotiations with individual employers are increasingly important – more and more terms and conditions are being set locally and your employer has a big say over how national agreements are applied in your organisation.
MiP works alongside other healthcare unions to represent members and negotiate directly with employers such as:
- Integrated Care Boards
- NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts
- Accountable Care Organisations and devolved health and care systems
- Health and social care boards in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- NHS England
- Regulators, such as the Care Quality Commission
- Independent providers of healthcare, including private companies and not-for-profit organisations
why join?
We are here to support you if you have a problem at work. Whether it’s advice, representation or legal support.
We understand the crucial role managers play in delivering healthcare services. We will always champion you with government, employers and the media.
Professional development and training
We want to support you in your career. All members access free training and development events tailored to public sector managers.
Access the discount schemes and benefits of both our partner unions including initial financial advice.
By joining MiP, you also join UNISON and the FDA for one subscription. That’s three public sector unions in your corner.
We negotiate with employers on internal processes and procedures, organisational change, managers terms and conditions and a whole range of other issues.
National Social Partnership Forums
MiP represents you on the National Social Partnership Forum (SPF) in England, and the equivalent bodies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Based on the German model of industrial relations, the SPF brings together trade unions, employers, government health departments, regulators and system bodies to discuss the development and implementation of workforce policies in the NHS.
The SPF is chaired by a health minister, and MiP has a seat alongside 15 other unions with members working in the NHS.
Being represented on Social Partnership Forums allows MiP to raise management issues with senior officials and ministers, challenge manager-bashing at the highest levels and build constructive relationships with other trade unions and NHS employers.
NHS Staff Council
The NHS Staff Council covers all four nations of the UK and is responsible for the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay and grading system, and the core terms and conditions of NHS staff. Within the Staff Council, representatives of NHS employers and trade unions negotiate and agree changes to AfC and the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook.
MiP is represented on the Staff Council through the National Staff Side, which includes all unions with significant numbers of members working in the NHS. The National Staff Side agrees a joint pay claim each year and oversees negotiations within the Staff Council on behalf of the unions.
Through both the Staff Council and the National Staff Side, MiP works to influence the debate and shape policy specifically from a manager’s perspective.
Join MiP today
Stand alongside thousands of NHS and healthcare managers making health services work and making them work better.