mip in the nations
MiP in Wales
MiP represents staff working in the NHS in Wales throughout the health boards and in the national bodies. We also cover health staff in the Welsh government as well as managers working in social care, health charities and private health providers.
Supporting members in Wales
In Wales, MiP supports members working throughout the country’s NHS and social care sector. Under the nation’s NHS structure, the seven health boards, the Welsh Ambulance Service and specialist care provider Velindre NHS Trust manage and deliver services directly. They are supported by national bodies such as Public Health Wales, the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership and Health Education and Improvement Wales; and overseen by the Welsh Government and bodies including the community health councils and Healthcare Inspectorate Wales.
MiP serves all the eligible employees of these organisations, including senior clinicians and executives, service managers, specialist professionals, strategists and programme managers. With the Welsh Government, we have members among those civil servants working directly on health; their peers in other fields are represented by our parent union the FDA.
Our NHS members in Wales are entitled to vote in pay consultations and ballots from our partner union UNISON, ensuring their voice is heard in collective negotiations with employers and the Welsh government.

Pete Lowe
national officer for Wales
Pete is MiP’s National Officer for Wales, representing member’s interests with employers and the Welsh government.
Latest News in Wales
Faster pay progression for managers aims to tackle promotion blockages
MiP has welcomed moves to speed up pay progression for Band 8 and 9 managers and tackle long-standing problems with the Agenda for Change pay system that deter staff from seeking promotion.
News: 5.5% rise marks noticeable shift on Agenda for Change pay
MiP has welcomed the 5.5% pay rise for NHS staff on Agenda for Change as “a notable shift” and a “good starting point” for future negotiations.
Meet your reps: Glenn McPeak, Welsh Ambulance Service
Meet Your Reps: Proud to be both a manager and a paramedic, new MiP rep Glenn McPeak says he wants to speak up for managers in the ambulance service who feel unsupported, undervalued and under pressure.
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Stand alongside thousands of NHS and healthcare managers making health services work and making them work better.