mip in the nations
MiP in Northern Ireland
MiP represents staff working for the six health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland, plus the many charities and private companies providing health and care services.
Supporting HSC managers in Northern Ireland
Under Northern Ireland’s NHS structure, the six trusts manage social care as well as delivering primary care and acute hospitals – commissioning social care day centres, domestic support and residential places from local charities and private sector providers. MiP serves all the eligible staff of these organisations who are employed on health contracts, including members of the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS); those employed on social care contracts are represented by our partner union UNISON.
Outside the NHS and NICS, MiP also serves the Northern Ireland-based staff of health charities and private health providers.
Our Northern Ireland-based members are provided with individual and collective representation by a dedicated, full-time national officer with deep expertise in Northern Ireland’s legal system, organisational structures, working cultures and policy frameworks.
Within MiP’s management structures, Northern Ireland’s members are represented by a designated member of the National Committee. These elected volunteers ensure that Northern Ireland members’ views are recognised in regional and national union policies; oversee the improvement of MiP’s services within the country; and help direct the national union’s development.

Jamie Briers
national officer for northern ireland
Jamie is MiP’s National Officer for Northern Ireland, representing member’s interests with employers and the Northern Ireland Executive.
Latest News in Northern Ireland
News: NHS staff in Northern Ireland accept 5% deal
After months of industrial action, NHS workers in Northern Ireland have accepted a 5% pay offer for last year negotiated by health unions and the Department of Health.
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