Organisational change
David Williams: MiP reps have a unique role – we know how the system works
New MiP rep David Williams explains how he brought his management experience and risk management skills…
Meet your reps: Jenny Owen, NHS England
Meet Your Reps: Jenny Owen, nurse, MiP health and safety rep and a manager in NHS…
Feature: Sticking it out – NHS executive pay 2024
Under pressure from political demands and relentless organisational change, many board-level NHS managers are feeling the…
Legal Eye: Going back to work after maternity leave
With constant upheaval in the health service, new mothers working for the NHS are often anxious…
Legal Eye: How the law protects disabled staff during organisational change
Disabled managers often feel more at risk of losing their jobs during organisational change, despite legal…
Voluntary redundancy: golden goodbye or exit to nowhere?
With the relentless upheaval in the NHS, voluntary redundancy may seem like a chance to get…
Meet your reps: Sara Saville & Dave Whatton, Black Country ICB
Meet Your Reps: Two of MiP’s most experienced reps, Dave Whatton and Sara Saville from the…
Meet your reps: Richard Carthew, NHS Digital
Meet Your Reps:Often outspoken in defence of members, Richard Carthew, MiP rep at NHS Digital and…
News: Two cheers for ICB reforms but job fears remain
MiP members have given a cautious thumbs up to the transition to Integrated Care Boards, but…
Interview: Rob Webster, chief executive, West Yorkshire Partnership
NHS bodies are now being asked to collaborate rather than compete. But top-down direction cannot foster…
News: Launch of Integrated Care Boards delayed until July 2022
NHS England set to announce that the launch of Integrated Care Boards and the abolition of…
MiP Summit 2021: Managing change
MiP Summit 2021: On day four, Matthew Taylor, Chris Creegan and Geoff Underwood discuss managing change…
News: MiP’s guide to managing change
MiP’s guide to managing change, Creating a Sustainable Workplace is launched at today’s MiP Summit. Find…
MiP Summit 2021: Manage this! Covid, winter, recovery!
MiP Summit 2021: In the opening plenary session, Karen Bonner, Tom Simons, Jon Restell and Sarah…
ICSs need big aspirations but must tackle Covid recovery first
At MiP’s September webinar, two independent chairs of ‘smaller’ ICSs, Jenni Douglas-Todd from Dorset and Gill…
MiP webinar: Smaller ICSs and what they mean for managers, staff and patients
Join us on Fri 17 September for an in-depth conversation on the ICS reforms with Dame…
ICS transition: your questions answered
MiP is fully committed to supporting members through the ICS transtion in England. We answer some…
MiP calls for assurances for board-level managers as NHS shake-up looms
MiP has called for NHS England to give assurances and support to board-level managers affected by…
Casework: Switching employers? MiP are here to help
One MiP member explains how professional support from MiP’s Pete Lowe helped him to navigate a…
Government drops £95k cap on exit payments
The government has announced that it is revoking the controversial £95k cap on public sector exit…