MiP at Work: Unions send pay claim straight to Treasury
For the first time, MiP and other healthcare unions have sent a formal pay claim for…
The Sharp End: Government must commit to its own agenda
A lack of drive and serious commitment to engaging the public is threatening to undermine STPs…
Leading Edge: When the books don’t balance
Managers face an unenviable task in balancing financial targets against their duty of care to patients.…
The Sharp End: The confused centre is holding us back
Dean Royles, director of HR and organisational development at Leeds Teaching Hospitals, calls for a more…
MiP at Work: A national voice for members in Commissioning Support Units
Hit by mergers and the loss of contracts, MiP is working to support members in CSUs…
Analysis: Election 2017 – what happens now?
The shock election result puts the NHS back in the thick of the political battleground. Anything…
Feature: NHS shared services – lessons from the public sector
What are the lessons for the NHS from the troubled history of shared services in the…
Feature: STPs – what’s in store for NHS managers?
Sustainability and Transformation Plans may save the NHS or drag it further into the mire. But…
Analysis & opinion: Mental health – getting our priorities right
The promised transformation of mental health services won’t materialise without proper funding and serious attention to…