MiP responds to Senior Salaries Review Body Report

Commenting on pay in the health and care system, following today’s review body announcements, Jon Restell, MiP chief executive, said:
“MiP supports the Senior Salaries Review Body’s proposal to extend its remit to cover all executive managers in the NHS. We welcome the review body’s assessment that senior leaders are making an exceptional contribution as the NHS responds to the coronavirus pandemic. We hope that our members will now get the fair and objective pay system they deserve.
“Today’s pay announcements excludes social care workers from any pay increases because they work outside the public sector. Yet again the inherent unfairness in our health and care system is felt by social care staff who kept a fragile system going during the pandemic, and saved thousands of lives. This situation is deeply unjust and must change.
“NHS trade unions recently asked the government to bring forward the pay date for staff such as nurses, cleaners, porters and managers who work under Agenda for Change terms and conditions. MiP believes that the tremendous and ongoing efforts of all NHS staff in responding to the pandemic should be recognised with a substantial and early pay rise.”
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