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Feature: Are the fit and proper person regs fit for purpose?
The Fit and Proper Person Test causes confusion and sometimes trepidation among many NHS managers. We…
Interview: Henrietta Hughes, NHS National Guardian
NHS guardians have a tricky but powerful role in tackling poor care and boosting staff engagement.…
Legal Eye: Government threat to workers’ compensation could cost NHS dear
The Civil Liability Bill will deny injury compensation to thousands of workers and cost the NHS…
Leading Edge: Time to get our hands dirty
Our job is about more than ensuring fair play once decisions have been taken, we need…
Analysis: NHS70 – The Gift that Keeps You Guessing
The government’s 70th birthday funding settlement brings some welcome relief for struggling NHS services, but leaves…
Tipster: How to be an inclusive leader
With the need to create a more inclusive culture high on the NHS agenda, here’s ten…
Legal Eye: Submit a claim to an Employment Tribunal
We explain what you need to know about about putting in a claim to an Employment…
Interview: Mary Hutton, head NHS Gloucestershire and leader Gloucestershire STP
Despite Gloucestershire’s fierce attachment to local services and lively tradition of dissent, CCG and STP leader…
Feature: Breaking the silence – time to talk about mental health
We explore the deep culture changes needed to improve staff mental health and make sure all…
Analysis: Making sense of the alphabet soup of integrated care
With ACSs blending into ICSs, and ACOs in hot water, we look at what’s cooking for…
Casework: Don’t miss out on redundancy pay – it’s your right
One senior NHS manager talks about how expert support from MiP finally secured the redundancy settlement…
The Sharp End: Time to rethink how we do outsourcing
The Carillion collapse shows the perils of driving suppliers to the brink…
Leading Edge: Do we really value leadership in the NHS?
Outsiders would expect leadership to be one of the highest national priorities in health and care.…
Feature: How the menopause can ruin women’s careers
We talk to one manager whose career was wrecked by menopausal symptoms – and discover how…
News: MiP demands consultation over closer working
MiP has demanded “full engagement” from NHS England and NHS Improvement managers as the two organisations…
Guardian carries MiP member’s whistleblowing story
The Guardian’s Healthcare Network has published an article produced by MiP with a member who’d been…