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Tipster: How to make appraisals work for everyone
Everyone hates appraisals, right? Keep it simple and focus on having an honest dialogue and you…
How Brexit will affect health and care managers
Leaving the EU will impact all health and care managers in the UK
NHS trade unions release Blueprint for Return
Leaving the EU will impact all health and care managers in the UK
2000 health managers fired in last month
Matt Hancock has allowed 2000 people to lose their jobs.
Job vacancy: Head of Operations, MiP
Are you looking for an exciting new career or a new challenge? Do you possess the…
Feature: Dismissals – the get out clause
We speak to two MiP national officers about how threats of dismissal for unspecified “substantial” reasons…
News: Survey of MiP reps and link members
MiP is asking link members and reps to tell us how we can develop their work…
Tipster: How men can support women leaders
Here’s our tips on how men can play a big part in supporting women leaders and…
Legal Eye: How to help EU staff stay in the UK
Thousands of NHS staff could soon lose their automatic right to work in the UK. Here’s…
MiP at Work: MiP North Summit, Leeds, 12 June 2019
MiP held first North Summit in Leeds on 12 June brought together members and stakeholders for…
Leading Edge: NHS managers must not only be fit and proper, but also well supported
Too often, debates on NHS management focus on picking out the ‘bad apples’. Instead, we should…