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Unions fight to protect redundancy rights in new talks


MiP and other health unions have begun talks with employers on further changes to the NHS redundancy rights, just two years after agreeing major changes with employers to the NHS redundancy scheme.

The Treasury published a “framework” for reviewing public sector redundancy schemes in September 2016. 

Despite being highly critical of the Treasury’s interference, unions agreed to begin negotiations because they believe there is a good chance of improving on the Treasury’s framework. 

At the same time, regulations to clawback redundancy payments to NHS staff paid over £80,000 and who return to public sector work within a year, and to cap all redundancy payments at £95,000, are finally expected to laid before parliament during April – although no implementation date has been set. 

MiP advises members who may be affected by either measure to act quickly, as individual agreements reached before the implementation date are expected to be honoured. If you need advice, speak to your local MiP rep or national officer as soon as possible.

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