Employers urged to set up BME networks

NHS England says employers should encourage the setting up of networks for black and minority ethnic staff as part of plans to implement the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) across the NHS in England.
NHS England’s WRES implementation team published the first of a series of guides in August, with more planned to follow this autumn. Improving through Inclusion provides evidence of good practice from black and minority ethnic staff networks already operating across the NHS. It also identifies the specific support needed to ensure staff networks are more effective in engaging staff.
“Whilst some organisations have established networks, others are either at an earlier stage or have none. Although there is still a long way to go, there is evidence of some improvements on which we will build and share what works,” said Yvonne Coghill (pictured), co-director of WRES implementation at NHS England.
Follow the WRES team on Twitter @WRES_Team
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