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MiP nominates Christina McAnea for UNISON general secretary

UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea

UNISON is electing a new general secretary after Dave Prentis announced he will retire at the end of 2020. As MiP is a national branch of UNISON and a section of the FDA, our members are entitled to take part in general secretary elections and MiP may nominate a candidate. The MiP national committee decided on 8 September to nominate Christina McAnea and issued the statement below:

Christina is the woman to lead the UK’s largest union. She has the influence, profile and experience on the national stage.

A tough negotiator, determined campaigner and no nonsense communicator, Christina will stand up for public services with government and in the media during the tough economic times ahead.

Christina supports Managers in Partnership and values the whole healthcare team including managers. She led the NHS staff side and knows our sector well.

Her programme is credible. We particularly back the pledges on social care and dismantling discrimination.

For all these reasons, Christina McAnea is our nomination.

If an election is required, the ballot will run from 28 October to 27 November with the result published on 11 January 2021. For more information about the election procedure visit the UNISON website.

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