Shorter qualifying period for MiP representation and legal support
MIP’s Management Board has agreed that the qualifying period for representation and legal support will be four weeks from the date of registration of your membership. This will come into force on 1 February 2021. This means that members joining from today, 1 February, will have a four week qualifying period for representation and legal support.
MiP follows UNISON’s rules and legal protocol in relation to representation and legal support. The UNISON rule K2 states:
i) the member must have been in membership of the union for at least 4 weeks prior to the incident or occurrence that leads to her/him seeking legal assistance from the Union
ii) the member must not be in arrears of contribution
It is important to emphasise that we cannot provide full representation and legal advice in relation to an issue which has its origins before the four weeks of being a full member is achieved.
It is also important to maintain membership of MiP to maintain qualification for ongoing representation and legal advice. Types of membership vary depending on your individual circumstances, for example if you are retiring, so please contact for advice.
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