MiP responds to Welsh Parliament Select Committee

MiP has responded to the Welsh Parliament Health, Social Care and Sport Committee inquiry into the Covid-19 outbreak on behalf of our members in Wales. You can read our response here.
MiP continues to support and promote understanding of the vital roles of managers in the NHS, and we used our response to emphasise why the role is so important and what managers continually strive to achieve as part of the delivery of NHS care.
MiP recognises there are several key priority areas that remain at the forefront for senior managers and staff within this difficult time, and raised these in our response:
- Pay & Conditions – Annual Leave; sickness; Time in Lieu/Overtime; redeployment; Working from home;
- Supporting Health & Well Being – Support for managers to manage others; Individual support for Managers; Physical & Psychological Wellbeing; access to occupational health services.
- Managing Issues/Crisis – Internal and External comms support;
- Personal protective equipment supply – Supply and Guidance;
- Staff Testing – Travelling for tests; Process in place; Monitoring;
- Redeployment – Are there agreed processes in place;
- Employee/Employer Relations – Engagement of Staff side; Grievances & Disciplinaries; Reorganisations/OCP.
MiP recognised fully in our response the pressures of the current crisis, however, we also have some robust future plans in place for further discussion with NHS Wales Organisations in relation to the following priority areas:
- Enhancing members and organisations experiences in Wales – through website and magazine publication;
- Organising activity – current and potential members – combination of meetings/forums, drop-ins, induction involvement; membership advice/services, development of training and resources etc;
- Linking with other key organisations at a local/Wales level such as NHS Confederation, RCN, Unison;
- Inclusion in Partnerships Forums and input to development and delivery of OCPs;
- Development of training for link members/reps roles within Organisations;
- Linking with Management Trainee Scheme to development and future joint support.
If you would like to contribute to MiP’s work in Wales or would like to consider becoming an MiP link member or rep in Wales, please email Sam Crane, Associate National Officer for Wales.
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