MiP launches overtime campaign in England
MiP is campaigning for fair overtime payments for all NHS staff during the coronavirus crisis. Our survey results show that MiP members have been working significantly increased hours with no possibility of time off in lieu during the pandemic

We recently asked all MiP members to take part in an overtime survey as part of our campaign to ensure all NHS staff – including managers – are paid overtime for the extra hours they work during the coronavirus pandemic. You can read more about our overtime campaign here.
The survey found that one in four managers have worked more than twenty hours of overtime during the pandemic, compared to the vast majority of managers working significantly less than ten hours of overtime a week previously– and 37% of managers working five hours of overtime or less.
66% of managers were unable to take time off in lieu for overtime hours worked, and 56% believed their working hours would remain the same at the end of the year. Unsurprisingly, given these pressures, 66% of respondents feel that their current working hours are having a negative impact on their wellbeing and work-life balance.
Despite the massive amount of overtime being worked by managers in England, only 17% of respondents said that their employer has agreed to overtime payments for their work during the pandemic.
Jon Restell, Chief Executive of MiP, said:
“MiP is disappointed by the government’s failure to value the extra work of all NHS staff, but we are still determined to get the best deal possible for our members.
“Some organisations have already done this of their own volition or in partnership with trade unions.
“We are asking every NHS employer in England to show they value their staff in all bands. We want every employer to pay at least the flat hourly rate for any overtime worked by members in band 8 and above.”
Our survey has also been covered by the Health Service Journal.
Next steps
Some organisations have already done the right thing and extended overtime pay temporarily to bands 8 and above. If your employer has already agreed to pay overtime, please email Mercedes Broadbent at MiP head office with the name of your organisation and the details of the agreement.
MiP has begun a list of organisations that have agreed to pay overtime to bands 8 and above below:
- Hull CCG, East Riding of Yorkshire CG and North Lincolnshire CCG, negotiated by MiP National Committee member Jeremy Baskett and MiP rep John Pougher
- NHS England and NHS Improvement
- Public Health England
- Health Education England
- NHS Commissioning Support Units
- Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
If you would like to be more involved in this campaign and help to organise your colleagues to demand that your employer implement an overtime agreement for all staff, please email MiP’s organiser Paul Jenkins.
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