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FDA Webinars for MiP members

You are invited to join a series of FDA Learn webinars. They are all free and open to MiP members.

Please note that the FDA and MiP webinar platform, Crowdcast, works best in Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Creating time to think 

Monday 29 March 2pm

We all know we need to think, but sometimes we feel it’s impossible to find the time to do it. In this webinar, Katie Driver will explore ways you can carve out and protect some precious thinking time, as well as noticing and tackling the times when you may be overthinking or avoiding thinking. 

The event can be accessed at this link. Please email fdalearn@fda.org.uk be provided with the password.

How government works

Tuesday 30 March 10am

This webinar will be of interest to members not directly involved with ministers –yet! It will look at central and local government, the relationship between ministers and civil servants, how departments work and how decisions are made. The session is delivered by Tony Shaw who has built a knowledge of the inner workings of government through his 30 year career in the civil service. 

The event can be accessed at this link. Please email fdalearn@fda.org.uk be provided with the password.

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