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Tipster: How men can support women leaders
Here’s our tips on how men can play a big part in supporting women leaders and…
Legal Eye: How to help EU staff stay in the UK
Thousands of NHS staff could soon lose their automatic right to work in the UK. Here’s…
MiP at Work: MiP North Summit, Leeds, 12 June 2019
MiP held first North Summit in Leeds on 12 June brought together members and stakeholders for…
Leading Edge: NHS managers must not only be fit and proper, but also well supported
Too often, debates on NHS management focus on picking out the ‘bad apples’. Instead, we should…
MiP at Work: NHSE & I — supporting MiP members at national and local level
We explain how MiP is standing up for members affected by the restructuring of NHS England…
Legal Eye: Keeping mum – how gagging clauses work
We explain the legal position behind so-called ‘gagging’ clauses which are now a common feature of…
The Sharp End: GP Federations – empower professionals who make people healthier
GPs and local councils working together to improve public health is the best way to make…
Tipster: Surviving Suspension
Suspension can damage your career but doesn’t have to be a disaster. We explain how to…
Analysis & opinion: Long Term Plan – more questions than answers
The NHS Long Term Plan is full of good intentions but fails to give health and…