about us
Our governance
As a joint venture between UNISON and the FDA, MiP has a unique system of governance.
Two complementary systems of governance
As a joint venture between the FDA and UNISON unions, MiP has two complementary systems of governance: the MiP member-led National Committee, and the Management Board – through which MiP engages with its parent unions.
The National Committee
Meeting face-to-face on a quarterly basis and more frequently via videoconference, the National Committee:
- Oversees our relationships with employers, government and other partners;
- Sets and implements strategy on recruiting and organising members and volunteers;
- Agrees policies for engagement with employers and within staffside and consultative forums;
- Advises and assists in developing key MiP services, such as our Members’ Summit and our digital communications.
Ensuring that all of the UK’s nations are represented in the National Committee, two of its 16 seats are reserved for Scotland, two for Wales, and one for Northern Ireland. The chair and vice-chair are elected from among the Committee’s members. You can find a list of all its current members on the National Committee Members page.
The Management Board
Our Management Board brings together the FDA and UNISON unions to oversee the joint venture – with six voting members, comprising equal numbers of elected officers nominated by each union. The Board proceeds by consensus, and its key roles are to:
- Set the budget, over-arching goals, and performance targets;
- Consider high-level strategy and organisational development;
- Deal with ‘rulebook’ issues between the unions;
- Develop shared approaches to policy, strategy and campaigning.
Our goals and values
MiP works to defend and further the interests of managers across our health and care systems. Learn more about our goals and values.
Our history and affiliations
MiP is a partnership organisation, set up jointly by UNISON and the FDA. Learn more about our history and our partners.
Meet the team
MiP employs a number of full time staff, both at our head office in London and throughout the UK. Meet our team of dedicated staff.