advice & support
Introduction to Member Advice
Supporting our members
MiP provides individual advice and representation for members who are having problems at work. All requests for support with workplace issues go through MiP Member Advice. This page will outline what issues MiP supports members with in addition to some initial guidance for members on understanding and responding to emerging problems at work.
What we can help with
Some of the issues we help members with include:
- Disputes over grading or job evaluation (including the Agenda for Change and Hay systems)
- Unreasonable workloads and working hours
- Sick leave and ill-health benefits
- Unsafe or unhealthy working conditions
- Refusal of annual leave, special leave or carers leave
- Problems arranging maternity leave and accessing maternity rights
- Disputes over responsibilities and changes to job descriptions
Talk things through
Many problems at work are down to mistakes or misunderstandings. Try discussing your problem informally with your line manager or HR if you can. Draw their attention to any relevant policies or terms in your contract. If they promise to help, give them a reasonable amount of time to resolve the problem – but keep checking on progress regularly.
If you are unable to resolve matters informally, and want 1:1 support, please email memberadvice@miphealth.org.uk.
You can’t have too much information
It will usually be easier and quicker to resolve your case if everyone is clear about the terms of your contract and what policies apply. Make sure you check the wording of your contract and that your job description is up to date. Gather together any relevant local policies or procedures. If you want 1:1 support, please email memberadvice@miphealth.org.uk.
It will help if you have all the relevant information. Keep copies of any relevant emails or letters from your employer or colleagues, and make a note of any phone or face-to-face conversations relevant to your case.
In some cases, it’s a good idea to keep a diary, recording the hours you worked, working conditions, what work you did, contact with managers and colleagues and so on – anything that might be relevant to your case.
If you believe your problem may be the result of discrimination by your employer or a colleague, contact your national officer for advice as soon as possible. In legal terms, discrimination is unfair treatment on the grounds of a protected characteristic (sex, race, sexual orientation, age, disability or gender identification).
Pensions and retirement
MiP reps or National Officers are unable to offer 1:1 pensions or retirement advice.
If you have a pensions or retirement query, MiP’s financial partner, Quilter, offer a free initial consultation to MiP members or you can raise your issue with NHS Pensions. As MiP members share membership benefits with our partner union UNISON you can also try emailing your query to UNISON’s pensions unit.
For more guidance on common workplace issues you can view all of our advice pages below.
All MiP advice and support pages
Disciplinary and grievance
MiP supports members who are facing disciplinary action by their employers, or who want to take out a grievance because they believe they’ve been treated unfairly at work.
Redundancies and dismissals
Employers can cut jobs. But the process must be fair and lawful. Find out how MiP can support you through redundancy and dismissal.
Organisational change
Change is a fact of life in the NHS. Find out how MiP can support you through reorganisations, mergers and transfers.
Bullying & harassment
Any form of bullying and harassment has no place in healthcare services. Find out how MiP can support you with bullying and harassment in the workplace.
MiP workplace guides
Our free guides will support you in your role as a healthcare manager. Download all our guides from this page.
How to get support
Details for members on how to get support with workplace issues.