Organisational change

Support during change

Organisational change can impact your job in a number of ways, including:

  • Being transferred to another employer, inside or outside the NHS
  • Being made redundant, or identified as “at risk” of redundancy
  • Changes in your job description or grading
  • Relocation
  • Changes to pay and/or terms and conditions

If your organisation is embarking on a change programme, then please read this page for guidance.

Facing redundancy?

Ensuring change is managed well

If your organisation is planning changes which are likely to affect you or your colleagues, the first thing to do is to gather as much information as you can and contact MiP’s Member Advice at In some cases, your case may be referred to an MiP rep working for your organisation.

If you don’t have an active MiP rep in your organisation, it’s a good idea to agree on one or two people to be the main point of contact between the union and the MiP members in your organisation affected by the change.

Your MiP national officer or rep will:

  • Discuss the issue with the trade unions in your organisation and identify members’ concerns
  • Deal with any collective issues, such as terms for redundancy or transfer, through negotiations with your employer
  • Advise individual members about their contractual rights, redundancy terms, suitability of alternative jobs etc.
  • Raise issues at national or regional level, where necessary
  • Take legal advice if necessary

Throughout the process, you and your colleagues should:

  • Take advice from MiP before replying to correspondence from your employer, including alternative job offers
  • Keep records of all written and verbal communication with your employer, including HR and/or your line manager
  • Make sure MiP is kept fully informed about any new developments or concerns raised by members
  • Take union advice before talking to the press or otherwise going public about what’s happening in your organisation
  • Stay calm – organisational change in the NHS can be worrying, but doesn’t usually result in compulsory job losses

For further advice on organisational change, please see our Managing Change guide.

Looking for more information on organisational change?

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