About MiP

about us

Who we are

Managers in Partnership (MiP) is the specialist union for managers and other senior staff working in health and care services: we offer personal support, collective representation, a public voice and career development to more than 7000 members – UK-wide, and across the public, private and voluntary sectors.

We exist to represent and further the interests of healthcare managers throughout the UK. Learn more about us from the pages below.

Manager in healthcare?

Our goals and values

MiP works to defend and further the interests of managers across our health and care systems.

Our history and affiliations

In 2005, two key public sector unions came together to give NHS managers a unified voice.

Our governance

As a joint venture between UNISON and the FDA, MiP has a unique system of governance.

Our team

MiP employs a number of full time staff, both at our head office in London and throughout the UK. Meet our team of dedicated staff.