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MiP welcomes the development of the new Healthier Working Relationships approach

MiP welcomes a new approach to organisational culture and behaviour in the Welsh NHS that has been launched this month. The Healthier Working Relationships approach has been developed by the Welsh Partnership Forum, in collaboration with NHS, trade union and Welsh Government experts and leaders from across Wales.

The 2018 NHS Wales Staff Survey and the launch of A Healthier Wales has highlighted the importance of the NHS doing whatever is necessary to improve how staff work with each other. Extensive research and engagement have been undertaken with as many key stakeholder groups and individuals as possible, to obtain feedback on the approach and refine resources and policies.

The aim is to encourage individuals to take active responsibility for their working relationships, placing greater emphasis and expectation on early resolution through conversation and supported informal discussion. There is a toolkit available to staff and managers to assist them in taking forward this approach, in having difficult conversations and addressing workplace conflict. Where efforts to restore positive relationships have been unsuccessful, the new Respect and Resolution policy and FAQs are available to access.

It is hoped that this new approach will move us further towards more compassionate, collective, healthier and fairer behaviours, work and workplaces.

Sam Crane, MiP Associate National Officer for Wales, said:

“Managers in Partnership (MiP) are pleased to be part of The Approach to Healthier Working Relationships and welcome the support from the Minister. 

“We will ensure that we continue to support and develop alongside Welsh NHS Organisations, senior leads and managers in health & social care and our partner unions moving forward to enable MiP members to be fully involved in this approach.”

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