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Guardian carries MiP member’s whistleblowing story


The Guardian’s Healthcare Network has published an article produced by MiP with a member who’d been the subject of malicious allegations by whistleblowers in an NHS trust.

In our The Sharp End column, MiP works with members to get their stories out to politicians, civil servants, journalists and system leaders – helping you to explain, in safety and with complete honesty, how the policies and strategies set by ministers, government health bodies and chief executives play out at the front line.

In this case, a health manager spent a year caught up in a disciplinary process before they were able to prove their innocence. MiP works with NHS bodies to protect whistleblowers raising the alarm on poor management and patient risks, but we are also keen to highlight the dangers within the system and the harm caused to those unjustly accused.

If you might be willing to work with us to produce a Sharp End column, please contact us at thesharpend@healthcare-manager.co.uk from a personal email address.

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