Home > News > Get on with it: MiP responds to no pay deal announcement


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It was widely expected that the government would announce a pay rise for staff in England on Agenda for Change, but this appears to have been pulled at the last minute. Commenting on the lack of announcement, Jon Restell, chief executive of MiP, said:

“As senior NHS managers, our members are grappling everywhere with staff shortages and clinical staff threatening to quit, when the NHS is tackling both a further wave of covid-19 and a waiting list backlog.

“The staffing situation is urgent for patient care, and our members know a significant pay rise is part of what’s needed to address it. Managers need to be able to give positive news on pay when they talk to tired and anxious staff about staying.

“People know that the NHS pay award in Scotland was done and dusted quickly. They also know that the NHS pay review body report for a pay rise due in England nearly four months ago has been with the government for a while. The government’s approach is just creating confusion and concern. Our members want it to get on with it.”

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