MiP in Scotland

Supporting members in Scotland

In Scotland, MiP’s members include managers working for the 14 regional health boards and the eight special health boards.

Under Scotland’s NHS structure, the 14 health boards manage and deliver services directly – including primary care, acute hospitals and mental healthcare. The special health boards operate across the country, offering services including specialist medical care, ambulances, health education and policy development. MiP serves all the eligible employees of these organisations, including senior executives and clinicians, service managers, specialist professionals, strategists and programme managers.

Our NHS members in Scotland are entitled to vote in pay consultations and ballots from UNISON ensuring their voice is heard in collective negotiations with employers and the Scottish government.

Outside the NHS, MiP also serves the Scotland-based staff of health charities and private health providers, plus organisations commissioned by local authorities to provide social care services.

Claire Pullar

Latest News in Scotland

  • Interviews

    Interview: Caroline Lamb, chief exec, NHS Scotland

    Joining the Scottish health department weeks before the pandemic struck, Caroline Lamb found herself head of NHS Scotland within a year. She talks about the “intense and scary” experience of managing through the Covid crisis, her plans to integrate services and tackle staff shortages and why Scotland needs more money for health and care.

  • Features

    Feature: Scotland’s National Care Service

    The social care shake-up in Scotland will affect the lives of more than a million people and could have far-reaching repercussions for local government and the NHS. But are the reforms missing the point?

  • Features

    Managing Better Care: Rethinking liver care in NHS Tayside

    Deficiencies with testing have left many patients with serious undiagnosed liver disease for years on end. Now, a new intelligent testing system developed by NHS Tayside and Dundee University offers hope of earlier diagnosis and treatment.

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